Business & Marketing strategies to let space ecosystems grow and succeed for space outreach, visibility and engagement
Leveraging on unique knowledge of industry dynamics, our platform creates end-to-end solutions to effectively communicate strategic messages to wider audiences.
To create interactive participation, providing strategic online contents and engaging with key audiences.
Promote space and tech topics, generating and stimulating interaction among space and terrestrial stakeholders.
Open innovation and acceleration frameworks based on platform thinking
We address startups, investors, corporates, institutions and innovators to build ecosystems and leverage on our global platform to boost the space industry through open innovation and capacity building.
Deep industry expertise and global network for integrated services to accelerate new space businesses and scale at speed.
Design and management of integrated space initiatives, activating and coordinating with all the actors of the value chain.
Open frameworks to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship, drive growth and share knowledge and technology.
Tailored solutions to get the most out of the opportunity offered by the new space economy
In partnership with Ogilvy Orbiter, we push space closer to non-space players, a new opportunity to reach new audiences, new narratives, new markets.
For brands aiming to reach for visibility, to shine in their competitive arena through space-related marketing campaigns.
Activate the potential to spin-in and transfer strategic capabilities and technology from/to space applications.
Bring brands to space to develop and test product innovation processes, technology and prototyping.
Capacity building, open innovation, tailored advisory, platform thinking and market stimulation programmes to activate the potential of the new space economy.
Deep knowledge of space markets, dynamics, stakeholders, technologies and opportunities for every space-related project.
Ecosystem of corporates, investors and institutions for capacity building, driving innovation in space and terrestrial industries.
Integrated services and solutions for multi-sided needs, leveraging on internal capabilities and network of vertical skilled partners.
Ai sensi della Legge n.124/2017 la Società dichiara di aver percepito contributi durante l’esercizio 2021