Telemachus is an integrated hardware and software medical device system, made of a smart bracelet and a web platform, for the remote monitoring of users’ health conditions.
The development and testing of Telemachus have been co-funded by the European Space Agency, together with the Italian Space Agency and the Italian Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digitisation, within a Demonstration Project in the context of the call “Space in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak”.
During the COVID-19 global pandemic, the large number of infection cases revealed difficulties in the management of sanitary protocols. The monitoring and treatment of quarantined patients and the containment of infection among healthcare workers was particularly difficult.
In order to overcome these difficulties, Telemachus had the ambition to:
- simplify the communication between patients and doctors by providing a continuous screening and remote monitoring tool to detect the main vital parameters
- facilitate prompt medical response by implementing location-based services for emergencies
- monitor the health conditions of healthcare workers in order to prevent the propagation inside hospitals.
The medical system Telemachus continuously detects users’ vital parameters (i.e. heart rate, body temperature, SpO2, ECG) through the bracelet, while the web platform allows the real-time monitoring and analysis of the acquired data.
An Artificial Intelligence algorithm, using machine learning techniques, improves the data approximation and calculation and allows the interpolation with external exogenous data.
The system is also equipped with location-based services to track the position of users and guarantee prompt intervention in case of emergency.
The patient can use both a mobile app and a smart bracelet in order to be remotely treated and monitored. Both the mobile app and the smart bracelet are connected to a cloud server where real-time analytics are collected. So logged to the web app doctors and health authorities can view a dashboard that gives the most significant collected and processed data.
The system is an open platform that can be adapted to different scenarios, for different purposes (e.g. work safety, medical surveillance, safe tourism) and can be integrated with external sensors to enrich the data model.
Telemachus is a Venture Project of G-nous.
The company was the prime contractor of the ESA co-funded project, leading an Italian industrial consortium made of companies and universities. G-nous leads business development and stakeholder relations activities, while coordinating product management with its technical partners, Sensor ID and BionIT Labs.
General Practitioners, private clinics and hospitals, healthcare technology providers, retirement homes, corporates.
Telemachus has been tested:
- in a demonstration project held in Italy, monitoring more than 440 people during a 6 months pilot trial.
- during a military exercise led by Aeronautica Militare Italiana.
Telemachus is certified as a telemedicine device CE Class 2b.
Ospedale Riuniti di Foggia
ASL Bari
National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani (INMI)
BionIT Labs
Politecnico di Bari
Sanilab Plus
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